- AEMH 13-001 List of AEMH documents 2012
- AEMH 13-002 Acronyms and Abbreviations
- AEMH 13-003 Treasurer s Report 2012
- AEMH 13-004 Draft Budget 2014
- AEMH 13-005 Info- EWTD negotiations failed report meeting
- AEMH 13-005 Report Meeting EPSU re EWTD
- AEMH 13-006 REV Draft Minutes 65th Board Meeting Florence
- AEMH 13-007 Info- Launch of EU Rapid Alert...
- AEMH 13-008 Info- World Cancer Day - 10 facts EU actions
- AEMH 13-009 Info- Consultation to disclose...
- AEMH 13-010 Info- OECD Waiting time Policies
- AEMH 13-011 Info- HOPE Mediation in Healthcare
- AEMH 13-012 European Reference Networks in Healthcare
- AEMH 13-013 Info- Eurostat yearbook 2012
- AEMH 13-014 Info- Transparency in CME-CPD WentzMiller Newsletter
- AEMH 13-015 EP vote on Prof Qual Directive
- AEMH 13-016 REV1 Draft Agenda Board Paris
- AEMH 13-017 Info- Governing Public Hospitals
- AEMH 13-018 Info- Analyze financement des hospitaux FR only
- AEMH 13-019 Info- Study on Mutual Recognition Medical Prescriptions
- AEMH 13-020 Draft Agenda 66th Plenary Paris
- AEMH 13-020 REV1 Draft Agenda 66th Plenary Paris
- AEMH 13-020 REV2 Draft Agenda 66th Plenary Paris
- AEMH 13-021 Minutes Meeting EFPIA
- AEMH 13-022 Russian Conf Progr Efficent Hospital Management
- AEMH 13-023 IDC 1st PanEU Health Summit
- AEMH 13-024 Med-e-Tel Conference Programme
- AEMH 13-025 2nd EU Hospital Conf Invitation and draft programme
- AEMH 13-026 Minutes EMOs PCom Nov 2012
- AEMH 13-027 National Report Germany
- AEMH 13-028 Membership Application DK
- AEMH 13-029 The AEMH Office
- AEMH 13-030 Closing of Accounts 2012
- AEMH 13-031 National Report Austria
- AEMH 13-032 History AEMH Presidents and Boards
- AEMH 13-033 History of meeting venues
- AEMH 13-034 National Report Belgium
- AEMH 13-035 EMO Statement Medical Standards in crisis
- AEMH 13-036 Info- Geographical Distribution of clinical trials EMA Report
- AEMH 13-037 National Report Sweden
- AEMH 13-038 National Report Croatia
- AEMH 13-039 National Report Switzerland
- AEMH 13-040 Support to Slovakian Doctors against criminalization
- AEMH 13-041 National Report Norway
- AEMH 13-042 National Report Bulgaria
- AEMH 13-043 National Report Luxembourg
- AEMH 13-044 National Report Portugal
- AEMH 13-045 EMOs exchange with CEN on Standards for Medical Practice
- AEMH 13-046 National Report Slovakia
- AEMH 13-046 National Report Slovakial
- AEMH 13-047 AEMH Statement on Regulation of Training and CPD in view of the update of the Profession
- AEMH 13-047 Draft Statement on Regulation of Training and CPD in the PQD
- AEMH 13-048 National Report Spain
- AEMH 13-049 Internal Auditor s Report
- AEMH 13-050 National Report Denmark
- AEMH 13-051 EFMA- WHO 2013 Report Riga
- AEMH 13-052 European Hospital Physicians Declaration 2013
- AEMH 13-052 Paris 2013 Declaration cover
- AEMH 13-052 Paris 2013 Declaration
- AEMH 13-053 Reconsidering the Helsinki Declaration
- AEMH 13-054 EWTD Commission asks to respect doctors rest periods
- AEMH 13-055 EU Policy Adviser
- AEMH 13-056 State of Play EU Health Policies
- AEMH 13-056 Update on EU Affairs Agenda
- AEMH 13-057 Info- 8 challenges facing EU h...
- AEMH 13-057 Info- Prof Qual - MEPs strike deal with Council
- AEMH 13-058 Info: 8 challenges facing EU hospitals
- AEMH 13-059 Draft Minutes Board Paris
- AEMH 13-060 Draft Minutes 66th Plenary Paris
- AEMH 13-061 Speech 50 Anniversary AEMH
- AEMH 13-062 HoNCAB Network Hospital crossborder patients care
- AEMH 13-063 Info- European Parliament Election 2014
- AEMH 13-064 Info- EFPIA adopts Sunshine Act- disclosure of payment to health professionals
- AEMH 13-065 Info- MEPS vote on Medical Devices
- AEMH 13-066 Info- NHS Briefing on Mobility of health professionals
- AEMH 13-067 Draft Agenda Board Cologne
- AEMH 13-067 REV1 Draft Agenda Board Cologne
- AEMH 13-068 AEMH Activity Report 2013
- AEMH 13-069 EAHP Meeting on Medication Errors in Hospitals
- AEMH 13-070 Info- A manager in the minds of Doctors
- AEMH 13-071 Info- Cross-border Hospital Collaboration
- AEMH 13-072 Info- WHO Guidelines Health Professionals Education and Training
- AEMH 13-073 Activity Report
- AEMH 13-074 Interim Report AEMH Accounts Jan-Oct 2013
- AEMH 13-075 Report EJD Meeting Heidelberg AEMH 13-076 Update on European Health Policy
- AEMH 13-077 Draft Minutes Board Cologne AEMH 13-078 European Hospital Conference Progr Presentations
- AEMH 13-079 Info- Crossborder healthcare Collaboration EUROHEALTH
- AEMH 13-080 Info- EMA to push publication and access to clinical trial data
- AEMH 13-081 Info- EC Public Consultation on patients safety
- AEMH 13-082 Info- EU Code of Practice for Telehealth Services