- European Hospital Physicians' Declaration 2013
- AEMH Statement on the Regulation of Training and CPD in the ED 2005/036/EC(2013)
- AEMH-FEMS Statement on Working Conditions of Hospital Physicians (2012)
- AEMH Statement on Task shifting (2010)
- AEMH Statement on Prescription by Nurses (2010)
- AEMH Statement on Hospital Accreditation
- Motion on Recognition of non-EU medical qualifications
- Motion on compulsory registration in ES - AEMH Definition of Hospital Care (2009)
- AEMH Bullit Ponts Regulation on Education and Training(2009)
- AEMH Statement on Accreditation: Organisational Standards(2009)
- AEMH Statement on Core Values, aims and means,action plan(2008)
- AEMH Statement on Accreditation- Centres of Excellence and Reference (2008)
- Nordic Resolution on Hospital Doctors' Working Conditions
- AEMH Statement on Accreditation (1st part) (2007
- AEMH Statement on the Situation in European Hospitals (2006)
- Continuing Professional Development - Consensus Statement (14.12.2006)
- AEMH Statement on Tobacco Control (2005)
- AEMH Statement on the Bologna process (2005)
- AEMH Statement on Quality Assurance & Quality Control in the process of CPD (2004)
- AEMH-Statement on Regulation of on call duties (2002)
- AEMH Statement on Medical Data and Information Systems (2000)
- AEMH statement on CME / CPD (1999)
- AEMH Statement on accreditation of health care organisations (1999)
- AEMH Statement on training in medical quality management (1999)
- AEMH Statement on quality improvement in hospitals (1999)
- AEMH Statement on development of clinical guidelines (1999)
- AEMH Statement on Legal applications of telemedicine (1999).